Friday, 16 May 2008

Things they'd rather you didn't know

In the ear hearing aids break down frequently. The receiver will deteriorate and cause distortion after around 6-12 months.

Hearing aids last about 4 years, on average.

Hearing aid sales are increased when the continuity of service is interrupted. i.e. Companies don’t mind when the original dispenser is replaced. The new dispenser will be more inclined to offer new hearing aids as there is no emotional connection.

The manufacturers operating in the UK market are: Siemens, Starkey, Widex, Oticon, Phonak, GNResound and Puretone. Most other names are subsidiaries of these companies (such as Unitron, part of Phonak: Bernafon, part of Oticon, Hansaton and Rexton, part of Siemens). You should be offered models from ALL manufacturers. If not, why not?

Your hearing and/or cognitive listening skill changes all the time. If you are a hearing aid user, Does your dispenser plug your hearing aids into the computer at every meeting? And when was your hearing last tested?

Avoid dealing with dispensers that do not state up-front prices for specific products. Buying hearing aids can be emotionally challenging and you be in a vulnerable state when you make a commercial decision.

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