Friday, 22 August 2008

What to expect from your Registered Dispenser

... also known as a hearing aid dispenser / audiologist...

Currently there are regulations enforced by the 'hearing aid council'...
In brief,
You must be given written confirmation of all appointments (or the dispenser must record a reason why this was not possible).
You must be told that hearing aids might not help you.
We (dispensers) must act within a high standard of ethical conduct.
You must be told how to use, insert, remove, clean, service and otherwise operate your hearing aid.
A letter must be sent to your GP if certain conditions are noted (ie an amount of earwax that would make it unsafe to take impressions).
A dispenser must not assume the status of a medically qualified person
... must not attempt wax removal.... must not suggest an ability to 'cure'.
The dispenser must always prefix such terms as 'specialist' or 'audiologist' with the words 'hearing aid' - spoken or written.
Your audiograms must be kept on file for 5 years.
All equipment should be used to the correct standards of practice and cleanliness.

For new hearing aid fittings, the dispenser's last test must be less than two months old.
For exact replacements, the last hearing test must be less than 24 months old.
A dispenser must contact you within 6 weeks of a new fitting.

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