Here is a summary of the market choices... there are only 7 manufacturers
WIDEX UK discourage internet discounting, therefore those that show prices for Widex products may not be authorised dealers and the warranty conditions may be compromised. Widex products have a history of RELIABILITY and a particular SMOOTHNESS OF SOUND (very low kneepoints of compression giving a distinctive mellow sound quality). They are dispensed and recommended by ENT CONSULTANTS, they are wholly BUILT IN SCANDANAVIA and feature a great EASE OF PROGRAMMING. The PASSION IS A GORGEOUS PRODUCT, it's tiny, well designed and sounds good. The ethos and approach of the UK arm is now dynamic and forward-thinking. Their in the ear products are finished with finesse with a seamless join between the faceplate and shell. The technical staff are superb, and this makes dealing with them a dream.... They have recently made investments in many medium and small hearing aid retailers in the UK including long established and well respected 'independents'. They own a majority of Regional Hearing Services. Their products are relatively expensive. The MIND 440 CLEARBAND / Clear440 is potentially and arguably the most technically advanced hearing aid yet, including a dual receiver unit and adjustable frequencies up to 15000Hz.
OTICON produce the superb but now slightly outdated DELTA, a ground-breaking product in open ear technology. They have had many NHS contracts for many years and currently supply the SPIRIT 3. Their approach to BLUETOOTH technolology and COMMUNICATING HEARING AIDS is ahead in the market and the EPOQ is a perfect example of this. The new CONNECTLINE INTERFACE for TV and PHONE is incredibly effective and very impressive with no visible problems* (other than the Streamer device needs to be the newer compatible model). Their in the ear product is generally of exceptional quality. They have a history of great success with RECEIVER IN THE EAR technology - for instance, changing the receiver tube on a Delta is so EASY. The head office staff are long serving and incredibly knowledgeable. They own HIDDEN HEARING and a manufacturer, BERNAFON. Their products are relatively expensive excepting the DELTA 4000.
PHONAK have elevated to no.1 in the UK with around 40% market share. They are completely professional and the production method is the best and most efficiently managed. Their turnaround time is unbeatable and their team of technical staff are THE BEST (3 staff, well trained and motivated). This means your hearing aids will be ready in a few days! If you are in the middle to high end of the market or you like gadgets and technology, Phonak are way ahead. Phonak's BLUETOOTH interfaces actually work and the AUDIOLOGISTS' SOFTWARE IS BY FAR NO.1. Their products are of quality and are relatively mid-high range in price. Thier Holding company also own UNITRON.
UNITRON use the same chip as Phonak, but have developed certain unique applications. The most outstanding is the FUSE, available in the UK from 15th NOv. 09 - a truly practical instant fit non-occluding in the ear aid. Thier hearing aids are generally much better value than competitor products, when compared for technological innovations.
STARKEY are a reliable UK manufacturer (US based private company) that have suffered by an attachment to analogue technology (in the past). Their product is well built in the UK and a particular technical manager is SO HELPFUL IN EVERY WAY. They supply aids to a very large OPTICIAN BASED RETAILER, and indirectly own a retail outlet ASCENT but suffer in the medium to small independent market as the perception is that maybe they fell behind in the tech race...Their products are of medium quality and sometimes discounted. NEW INFO ADDED 24 04 09: be aware: Starkey products rebranded for the previously mentioned Optician based retailer ARE NOT REPROGRAMMABLE BY ANYONE ELSE.
SIEMENS are a massive world player in electronics. They have shown a lack of interest in the private market, but are very successful with both NHS and large retailers. The products are often ground-breaking, for instance the SIEMENS VIBE, the remote disguised as a pen E PEN, their solid and reliable rechargeable hearing aids, etc.... Their NHS aid is the PRISMA PRO 2... Their products are perceived to be of medium quality. They own Hansaton. They supply SPECSAVERS.
GN RESOUND are a company that have experienced great ups and downs. Their products are often quirky (such as the Be), but their AIR open ear line captured an enormous number of clients. Due to market conditions they have aligned themselves as a DISCOUNT MANUFACTURER in the UK. The DOT 2 is very handsome...
IF YOU ARE BUYING GN RESOUND, please look on EBAY first as there are many products of their's offered at massive discounts! Total sales for this company are down 5.9% v 2008
PURETONE are a UK firm. They have low UK market presence and are lower priced, relatively. They are the main UK distributor for TRANSEAR, a very interesting new product for single - sided deafness! Their Bone Conductor spectacle aids (analogue) are very reasonable price wise.
Remember, don't be too influenced by mass advertising of any brand. Just because a company spends a lot does not mean the product is good. Many new innovations are available but some may never be advertised in the UK! We can always brief you on the latest news!
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